
Remember Me Otherwise


Interactive Projection and Sound Design 交互投影,声音设计

remember me otherwise is an interactive web installation based on body memory. In this installation, layers of video and audio recall childhood memories, each of which is encapsulated by a single hand gesture. As audiences interact with the videos, a pose estimation AI program tracks their own hand movements via the computer webcam, allowing them to use similar gestures to control the playback and mix.

As an interactive take on digital-musical collage, this work interrogates how disparate, culturally-specific memories are tied together by the habitual motions of the body. This successive series of mistranslations (the internalized motions depicted on screen, the imperfect ways in which the AI has ‘learned’ these gestures, and the still more imperfect ways that the audience is taught to approximate them) also speaks to the impossibility of recreating the past—and the visceral ways that memories can slip in and out of one another, just beyond our grasp.