ORDOS 100+1
Individual Study Year: 2015
ORDOS 100+1 is a project dealing with the relic of ORDOS 100. ORDOS 100 was a cluster of villas designed by 100 world-known architects in the city Ordos, north of China. However, it is just like similar examples in China and other developing countries, the project wasn’t executed successfully and became an unfinished Babel. Years passed, leaving less than ten started construction and almost none finished, this district is now known as the Ghost City of ORDOS.
Other than ORDOS 100, ORDOS is also a city with precious history. 100, 000 years ago there lived the Hetao Man, and the first construction could retrospect to the Great Wall in Qin Dynasty. Facing with the past stories, what architect could/should do is to be concerned. Recently, the relic of ORDOS 100 is a negative space, and the design of ORDOS 100+1 is to add a modest architecture in the site. The aim is to activate the place to be a human-friendly and functional one, and to make people reflect their attitude facing the historical events in modern or ancient.